See You (白狐) How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got Everything I went through you were standing there by my side And now you gon' be with me for the last ride 能不能为你再跳一支舞 我是你千百年前放生的白狐 你看衣袂飘飘衣袂飘飘 海誓山盟都化作虚无 作虚无 白狐白狐 Wu my friend say good bay 今后是人生的舞台 挫折是配精彩的独白 迷雾中找寻路牌 从低谷 到山顶 一路看沿途的风景 探索生命的意义 摸索出爱的灯影 不就是多走几步 哪怕是一无四处 控制好哀乐喜怒 哪怕是乌云密布 走千里路 不在乎虚无的功名利禄 等根深蒂固 所到之处 在锋芒毕露 uhn uhn 等种子发酵 别听胡说八 把过去砸掉 将名声打造 记得母亲的叮嘱 清楚 与其孤独 不如听着白狐 能不能为你再跳一支舞 我是你千百年前放生的白狐 你看衣袂飘飘衣袂飘飘 海誓山盟都化作虚无 作虚无 白狐白狐 Wu How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got Everything I went through you were standing there by my side And now you gon' be with me for the last ride 白狐白狐 Wu 能不能为你再跳一支舞 我是你千百年前放生的白狐 你看衣袂飘飘衣袂飘飘 海誓山盟都化作虚无 作虚无 白狐白狐 Wu