作词 : 红莲vsn/youyi/卷/JT YOUNG 作曲 : REVIVALBEATS 采样:京剧 空城计 后期by: 函函 红莲vsn: 天下三分 益州疲避 一心掌管生死大权不留疑虑 野火烧身 变成高温 烽火连天收起我的脾气 一仗孤霞漂泊远空寒气满过整个宇宙 谁又开始敲响警钟割断谁的体肉 只能卷入战火之中虽然至今年幼 黎明开始吹响号角握紧我的拳头 无尽等待 天色渐暗 饱读诗书 挑灯夜战 免去不必要的纷扰 也不想再去争吵 如临大敌 逃避对你来说真好 我看惯了世间嘈杂 致命的獠牙当游侠不想欲望张开贪婪之口 我挣脱这条枷锁但他们都想杀我 明争暗斗 到黄袍加身 卷: 伴我逍遥 与世无争 烟雾缭绕 三令五声 你我本渺小 扬尘残温 饱受煎熬 车马喧闹 铁衣寒光 身世飘渺 步履蹒跚 几经波涛 六易五经 草木皆兵 刀光剑影 转眼成孤岛 JT YOUNG: 战火纷飞 寒风怒吹 骑上战马 背上刀箭把敌追 战国七雄 齐鲁燕韩赵魏秦 实力无穷 屈原吕布和孙膑 将士在此奉命 给你带去安宁 去糟粕再燃尽 未来无战火 也是一片祥和场景 会十八般武艺 嘴是我的武器 把你埋进土地 Youyi: Back to the lab again we do never cares about you little bastard don’t know about my name Still don’t **** with everything that you do be true be good let me take you to the new school Peace that wastes that that chilling with my Chigga holla slay twos ****** that too stunning like the mother******’ Montana Don’t stop fatty boy with my young squad I don’t know about these hoes we all shine bright head to toe Chasing with my bae don’t wanna stay in the street be free still feel the pain inside the frozen wind like we never make it through Don’t be jealous no more rules sweety on my bed don’t need face that struggle now I’m drinking that bottle for many times I’ve told you leave me alone just let me live on my own YouYi