作曲 : Zimmo 作词 : Zimmo 《Black》 Tell you more Love you more one night before just one hour just for us can't we go back at all 我看见什么 都是黑色的 loose my right hand look around to catch myself boom come come lala come boom boom kaka boom baba yes lala follow kaka look dada 全都kaka put it up live it down down Have you heard them all 所有时间都变成黑色都是黑的 我的心也随着你的离开换了颜色 阴天 傍晚的时候 低音 震动着耳膜 跟着 节奏一起复活 酒精麻醉每条视神经以后 That's all say anything you want Put your hands in the air Let me know I got I just wanna ask Don't worry what people talk about Yes we believe in similar lies black blood inside 不想辜负期待 I'm standing on the ground to find out anything fine 因为你一直在 心跳节奏逐渐开始加快 black wine 酒杯里的冰块 酸的苦的口感 还是听得到恶心的答案 black ending of mine 我也会在他们说的做的想的之外 阴天 傍晚的时候 低音 震动着耳膜 跟着 节奏一起复活 酒精麻醉每条视神经以后 That's all say anything you want Put your hands in the air Let me know I got I just wanna ask Don't worry what people talk about It's just like a black dream Waking up 睡着醒了谁在意 谢谢 你的声音 好像 没有意义 多米诺 无法逆转的效应 black tone 淹没下一个黎明 tell me why I should bear the heartache let me know how to think about it