作词 : Jaega 作曲 : Jaega 编曲:Jaega 翻译:Jaega J-A-E-G to the A When you hear my name it's too late I’ve come a long way to illuminate This place You're the prey I captivate J-A-E-G to the A Hymn to the beats I made. My lyric's the light through the glass of mosaic Before the beast makes its way you better pray. Yo 让我带你一起飞 This is Jaega Yo follow me, fly away. This is Jaega. I smash the laggards without extra effort 无需加速即将懒散者甩在身后 你校准弹道 半空横出一把刀 When ya a sword falls from the air 宏图你未看到 早已在脸上写着 You never see the blueprint on my face but it's there. 猎人的魂 穿过了芬兰白雪茫茫 With the soul of a hunter crossing the snow of Finland 斯大林格勒的荒唐 And the coldness of ferocious Stalingrad I bet you've seen them 现在到中国南方 To the South of China now I've come 到我手中的mic 冷却了弹头 但歌词 仍在枪膛 With a mic that doesn't kill but with bullets in the lyrics. 狂野的书生 儒雅的流氓 A poet in the street and an bastard with good deeds 你刚刚瞄准 我箭在弦上 Your eyes on the target but my pen's already on lock 似一只毛笔的温润之下隐藏 Put a mild brush stroke wild enough 着 穿透木板的力量 To strike the tower 虽然不够光明磊落 但至少敢说敢做 Never been real honest but a man of my words 知道自己要的知道自由需要承担很多 A man with determination without hesitation to fight for freedom however it hurts. 永远指望自己去把答案询问 Count on myself to seek for the final answer. 虽手无寸铁 但笔下自有乾坤 Without gun powder, but my pen has tons of power. J-A-E-G to the A When you hear my name it's too late I’ve come a long way to illuminate This place You're the prey I captivate J-A-E-G to the A Hymn to the beats I made. My lyric's the light through the glass of mosaic Before the beast makes its way, you better pray. 让本性给自己立尺规 崭新的弟子规 Set a rule by a real yourself. 不管你是谁 I always keep it real in my way 从头到尾 做事不后悔不后退 I don't care whatcha made if I always keep it real in my way go straight. Don't hesitate or regret, whatever it takes. 接受了自己是个矮子不可以再自卑 Keep my head up though I'm only 5'7 不做别人家的孩子 那很疲惫 Hate comparison, fake blessings, time for me to teach you a lesson. 独立者创造风潮绵羊跟随 The world's led by the original, the independent. 所以我是第一个我 而不是下一个谁 So there’s only a first Jaega, not the next whoever. 讨厌考场作文 和强求背诵的古文 Hating compositions on tests and poems on the paper. 但我对笔墨的爱不用它们承认 Real love for writing need no certification of A plus 抛弃三段论 只爱在鼓点间玩文字游戏 Only deliver my mind between the beats 因为那是真的自己 Cuz that's the real me. 度过了一千零一夜的蛰伏 和处心积虑 I've been hiding for 10000 hours 海拔 温度 风速 等待我的机遇 Waiting for the altitude, temp, wind velocity to get right. Wait for the final hour. 关键路口 却只剩本能和直觉 But upon the triggering, there's no calculation or hesitation. 那我只好扣动扳机 So I follow my intuition. J-A-E-G to the A When you hear my name it's too late I’ve come a long way to illuminate This place You're the prey I captivate J-A-E-G to the A Hymn to the beats I made. My lyric's the light through the glass of mosaic Before the beast makes its way, you better pray. 你做你的人生赢家,我只当玩家 You be the winna, all I want is to play 若要抢着跟我比 抱歉我没兴趣 If you wanna compete with me, there is no way. 既然没有争斗 那不如握个手 How about shaking hands now that there are no races. 不需要价值观相同 但必须给我尊重 I’m inclusive enough to hear all kinds of speech, but respect is the basis. 主动站在聚光灯下 Under the spotlight 前面是欢呼 黑暗和嘈杂 Facing up to it whether their hands get high or my troubles get tight. 即使后面有退路 Even if there’s a way back 可生为乘风破浪宁被灯光灼伤也比冻死的强 I’ll never turn my head cuz I’m born for triumph even when under attack. 面对不可抗力 典型的不自量力 Force majeure, but I have my force to deploy. 但我不会放弃 直到回肠荡气 I need no lawyer, all I do is enjoy, never recoil. 流水 遇到堤岸可以迂回 Be water my friend, when in teapot become a teapot 也能 头也不回 跟随心底引力去追随 When flowing in river, hitting the rock. 带上兜帽 走着鸭子步 揣着裤兜 Put on a cap, put on a sag 打开音响 用唇齿发出节奏 Beatbox the kick drum, snare, and hi-hat. 用笔写下字句 喷出罐中丙烯 My graffiti looks friendly but my bars got traps. 我在下个路口等你 You either go hard with me, or go back. J-A-E-G to the A When you hear my name it's too late I’ve come a long way to illuminate This place You're the prey I captivate J-A-E-G to the A Hymn to the beats I made. My lyric's the light through the glass of mosaic Before the beast makes its way, you better pray.