作曲 : WJCTION 作词 : Halower verse1 嘿baby你是我心中那盛开的花 在我心里总有属于你那深爱的家 为你我会做到每个地方绅士细节 不是所有的情歌都要唱的声嘶力竭 我认真付出一切只想把你牵住 对你爱的人不是讨厌有多羡慕 老天不在眷顾,谁会对我宽恕 我只想用我所有的心思来对你袒护 I want to say to you maybe Annoying Now I sing the song for you baby I'm praying to the lord I'm praying for my soul Can you hear me I want to say to you maybe Annoying Now I sing the song for you baby We Will never say goodbye No matter what You're in my heard 我心中最幼稚的三亿小学生老大 让我来做你的caser来保护你好吗 乘坐着编号515时光机看你可爱模样 在用任意门给你准备面包和橘子果酱 I want to say to you maybe Annoying Now I sing the song for you baby I'm praying to the lord I'm praying for my soul Can you hear me I want to say to you maybe Annoying Now I sing the song for you baby We Will never say goodbye No matter what You're in my heard verse2 告诉你我想像电影情节那样抱住你 照顾你不让你生病总依赖在药物里 好妒忌想和你拥吻在一起nobody else 套路你I wanna see you under covers really 把你喜怒哀乐的样子都刻在我脑袋 我想一直陪在你身边will not make you sad You look like an angel skin makes me cry 我已经无法用语言来表达我对你炽热的爱 一直想法设法希望你能接受我 最后没有退路只能吞下无情的恶果 每天都在幻想能够做你心里那个他 从此我又多了一个外号白日梦想家 都在过着平凡的生活偶尔也会想起 在自己的脑海早已储存一个场景 变幻莫测的世界为你遮风挡雨 事到如今 我还是会把你想起 I want to say to you maybe Annoying Now I sing the song for you baby I'm praying to the lord I'm praying for my soul Can you hear me I want to say to you maybe Annoying Now I sing the song for you baby We Will never say goodbye No matter what You're in my heard