作曲 : Altreal 作词 : Altreal eye sets so far wouldn’t do it from the start eye sets so far wouldn’t do it from the start 傍晚六点下班我换掉白天的工作装 带上耳机开始我自己与世界的较量 时间的维度在这一刻开始被我拉长 意识也开始飞翔 在宇宙深处飘荡 金色的太阳 是我每天去谋生的方向 蓝色的月亮 是有她在等我的温柔乡 漫天的星光 在这一刻只为我们点亮 但突然间那一片乌云遮住了所有的光 can you see the light that used to shining up high in the sky we people were dancing and praying for one and another night but we all started to look down to the paper (gradually) over time losing ourselves in the void of this epidemic called thrive how many times your mama told you you should get out of your room instead you still refused to locked yourself up with all your mood the plant and pills help you well, they temporarily do but still you really need to find a way out from this tomb eye sets so far wouldn’t do it from the start eye sets so far wouldn’t do it from the start right hook 现实的右勾拳 你的脸 肿的比你的屁股还要大 left straight 加一个鞭腿 你的傲骨已经被现实 全部打碎 be humble don’t you know? 你根本不知道人性有多可怕 你一定 很奇怪 怎么会 变这样 别多想 第二季 轮不到 你出场 年轻人唱来唱去全世界好像就是你最牛 可不可以 自己把自 己的生活费 hustle 不要去学外国那些说唱又吸毒的混球 你根本没人家的胆子 and dick size like animal