作曲 : 原曲为Young Thug/Future的Patek Water 作词 : Lil BG/Lowke Dre Lil BG I wanna Smoke w**d | wanna take some drunk | need smokin w**d | can be a freak | wanna Smoke w**d | wanna take some drunk | need smokin w**d I can be a freak I wanna Smoke w**d I wanna take some drunk | need smokin w**d I can be a freak | wanna Smoke w**d | wanna take some drunk | need smokin w**d | can be a freak 我的生活从不规律大脑总是死机 所以我每天睡前都会飞点**助兴 Ay呜啦啦咦!我又陷入那个仙境 开始分不清我在现实里还是在梦里 看我掉进了一片五彩缤纷的森林 圆灯在头顶旋转个不停 莫名感觉有点上瘾 AyAy我在飞行homie 快点很紧队形homie 飞过险山峻岭 我来到了大陆的边境Woo 我在冰河之上** 踩着极光投出的幻影 太虚拟太清晰跟旋律我跳起像个精神病 Ay不必在意别人的表情我是自己的上帝 此时创世神附体 在我大脑里创造一个星系 这种感觉似乎如影随形 像是在驾雾腾云 这种美梦不想清醒 陷入混乱的无尽 Ay霹雳 霹雳 霹雳 我的身体僵硬无力 我的笑容开始扭曲 身体开始麻痹 AyAy再来一瓶香槟 灌进我的胃 Woo再点一根软云 直达我的肺 我就像个玩家在自己的游戏里肆意摧毁程序那些关卡是电脑随机 任我通行而我百毒不侵 Hard HAD Swag so cool yeah (x4) Come baby快来感受 Hard爹飞行的速度 千万不要一不小心晕机低头开始吐 我有迷幻剂 快点来我家里住 和飞行氮气 快到视角都模糊 七彩的色调世界突然变得如此美丽 wow跟我的兄弟拿着money在街道挥洒一空woyeah Look at me look at me! yeah 看着我嗨一礼拜 对外人不理不睬 坐上宾利带**我喝了千杯都不醉 头昏就像飞天上 我兄弟脸上笑嘿嘿 我拿着AK-47然后打个滴滴 可是路上没人搭理怕我一-枪给他Bia Ji 在路口开party 根本不想回家里 疯子加上法拉利 扭动燃烧卡路里 我走进超市里 灯光太亮不清醒 今晚跟我homie真的真的超级crazy! yeah Mr.Cooper I'm smoking my wxxd with a room full of money Every time in the club with GSup homie Try some wxxds then enjoy this feeling Tonight we need to do is getting crazy Money Lady Party Actually my whole life in that way Hoo!Hater Faker Remember I'm a gansta so don't try to fxxk like me Yeah!Smoking I'm smoking I'm smoking I'm smoking But I'm not like your idol PG O-N-E After I got drunk I get on my S-U-V So I don't care the motxxxfxxking rules or polixx And my homie call me The crime M-V-P I'm so proud of it cause I'm a member of G-S-U-P BG!I want to make a big thing With Hard Had I will do whatever it take Time to get ready or it will be too late I need some best wxxds and machine-guns A muscle car with the Gfunk Take these shxt to hater's funeral it's enough Take them down Like MJ's dunk Blaaaaaaam! Everything is done So nobody can fxxk with the GSup All I want is gang up The three group makes you fear Your bxxches call me dear Don't think I'm a liar My level is getting higher So you need to trust We're the king of underground I'll break your jar Until the devil appears