作词 : 云主 作曲 : 无 《普庵咒》《Pu-an Incantation》 《普庵咒》,乐谱最早见载于明朝《三教同声琴谱》(1592年),一传为普庵禅师所作,一传为杭州隐士李永南作。清朝《天闻阁琴谱》(1876年)评:“其音韵畅达,节奏自然。清夜弹之,逼真暮鼓晨钟,贝经梵语;如游丛林,如宿禅院。令人身心俱静,可谓平调中第一操也。” 《Pu-an Incantation》was firstly recorded in 《Qin-music of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism》 of Ming Dynasty (1592). About its origin there are two sayings. One is that it was composed by Chan master, ‘Pu An’. The other is that it was composed by ‘Li Yongnan’, a hermit in Hang Zhou. Its evaluation made by 《Music Score of Tianwen Pavilion》 (1876) is as follows, “the music is characterized by fluent rhyme and natural rhythm. Playing it in the stillness of night is similar to evening drum and morning bell, as well as sutra written on leaves of patter palm tree chanted in Sanskrit language. Listening to it, you will feel like traveling in forest and living in monasteries. It can make you feel tranquil thoroughly, which can rank the top of level tones”.