作曲 : Diccon Mayfield Feeling like we weren’t getting anywhere: We decided to turn to the social media platform, Facebook. 我感觉我们卡在这儿了:我们决定看看社交网络Facebook上有没有新发现 After a little bit of research, we discovered a page, entitled ‘Conrank’s Army’. 在做过一些调查后,我们发现了一个网页,叫做“Conrank的军队” After being accepted into the group, we managed to catch up with a few members of the army, 在被接受入群后,我们成功的找到一些成员并聊了聊 to find out exactly what they feel a Conrank is. 来看看到底什么是Conrank “What is a Conrank you say? “Conrank是什么呢? A Conrank is the answers to the universe tied up into a knot, into an enigma. 一个Conrank是一个重叠的,什么的宇宙的终极答案。 Which is boxed up into the sound you’re hearing at the moment.” 这个宇宙就是你现在听到的声音” “What the **** is a Conrank? What the **** is a Conrank? “什么是Conrank?你问我什么是Conrank? If you have to ask me that then you don’t even know what beef is.” 你如果连这个都不知道,估计你连牛肉都不知道是什么吧。” “Oh yeah dude like what’s a ******* Conrank bro? “是呀,Conrank到底是什么鬼? That’s like that ******* like where it’s like yeah exactly like that bro” 对,就是这个。” “I’m not quite sure what it is but I don’t appreciate you asking me” “我怎么会知道,你居然还来问我。” “What’s a ******* Conrank? “Conrank是什么? A Conrank is energy that uh emotion the goose bumps you feel when the bass drops. Conrank是当Bass响起时,你鸡皮疙瘩起来时候,感受到的那种情感 That’s a ******* Conrank” 那就是Conrank。” “Uh I think it’s something you crank?” “唔,好像是能让你飞起来的东西?” They seemed as in the dark as I was… “他们看上去,像是在黑暗里,当我在…”